-- Disclaimer: I am fully aware that some of the following shows haven't aged well and are incompatible with today's sensitivities. My intent with these pages is to simply write about products airing during my childhood that I may have watched more or less sporadically (regularly catching a show on TV in the 90s wasn't easy, mind you) and that I want to revisit now that web archives are giving easy access to videos.
I do not, in any way or form, condone any past or present problematic actions content creators may have done; I'm only watching TV. --

Hey, let's turn on the telly! What do you wanna watch, series or toons?
Broadcasted shows were the most direct form of pop culture information youngsters had in the 80s and 90s. I used to watch some TV too, but since my many hobbies required me to stay elsewhere (aka in front of the computer screen) I was never able to really follow a show thoroughly; I caught random episodes here and there if they aired at the time I happened to turn on the TV, if I was lucky. If not, oh well.

Growing up, the Internet contributed to preservation of these old medias, a few of which would have gone lost due to unavailability on physical support, be VHS or DVD (I'm not even bringin in modern streaming services, because those are useless). I now enjoy putting these shows on while working (thanks, Firefox "Picture-in-Picture" feature!) so I can revisit and finally complete many series I used to just marginally know as a kid. Here's a few thoughts about them.

Live Action
It's hard to write an introduction about the sitcom genre and especially the one I used to grow up with, because the 80s and 90s decades were highly defined by many shows that have both shaped or revolutioned the way we watched TV. Certainly, many of the iconic series produced and broadcasted during those years were so similar in certain tropes that an unattentive eye could have easily mistaken one for another and ultimately, I assume this "samesies" syndrome was what brought everything to the brink of breakage with the 2000s producing an entirely different sitcom format. However, casually seeing these on TV made for a cozy atmosphere back in the day and even if everything had this glittery layer of fake love and value, we still cherished in watching our favourite characters grow.
Watching these after years still gives a good window on how daily life was in the 90s, albeit, well, scripted and fabricated. xD

Soaps list
I'm workin' on it!